Saturday, November 28, 2009

selamat hari raya aidil adha

Selamat Hari RAya...wat a wonderfull day in rembau...
disane,,aku hanye makan makan makan hahahahaha
sedap lazat enak!yummy! ayam rempah mcm makanan asrama!rindu yaw!!
ngee...our family gathering was so awesome!!miss you all my dear cousin..hehehe
02 dec we will meet again!
im just having my lunch and we are get ready to sleep..
atiqaharfa,me,and elli
thX wani 4 da nice captured
im look great wit da yeyek hair..hahaha

Thursday, November 26, 2009

the holiday just begin

si senget bertemu si sengal
well waiting for auni dari matrix kuala pilah
satu tempat tapi x pernah bertemu ape kejadahnyew ni
thX feat,,,i just get back my BFF sepanjang tahun kitew sume wat hal masing2 rite but today
da good girl gone wild!!ngeeeee

location :kLsentral

menunggu auni..adew la brader ni park depan waja fara rara hahahha
blagak seyh mentang2 honda..hahhahahaha only us noE rite feat..tapi persoalan skunk feat memandang jejaka itu 2 kali

auni!!!wah makin bergaya...wif kurung..well matrix student cannot wear like us an feat...
hehehehe congrat to auni becoz she get the great result 3.79....GIRL POWER..let go to the KLCC
we celebrate it yeah!mabok2 di kLCC....

thX korang....aku x penah rase bahagia macam ni....thX...i grab ol my fwen back!!sarah n port eventhough we far a part im so sure u always remember me...

sesat!jalan tun perak la apew la
jalan ampang la!
x jalan tun razak!
same jew weyh!
crdt to shahrul coz be 1 of us

balik dan terus tido...hahahah

07 november 09

hell least for dis year i have my own picnic eventhogh it is simple i guess it so memorable..
went to ulu bendul at 11 am..hahahha SA as my driver.thX a lot...hehehe
well...dayh lame an x bawak kereta manual so i almost forget haw to drive a manual car

SA:HF x bawak kawan kew?
HF:sume malas nak ikot
SA:SA bwak kawan bule?
HF:bwak jew la

location: ulu bendul

hahahaha dis is the poyo guy..shy shy buffalo

well,we r going home..thX again SA .
then around 5 oclock u olready gone..kalu adew umur see you next sem...ngeee
thx again coz be my friend even we only noE each otha at the end of semester...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

new friend at uitm

location: SM2 on my bed

A :serius H nak mkan ngan S??
HF :yup i realy curious to noE who r S actually. tp bgn lambat
A :erm dye bengang je.ingat HF nak main2kan dye
HF :x!just xsedar diri jew tido.
A :jmpe dye lepas solat jumaat,say sorry n ajak dye makan KFC
HF :ok.=) i will.thX
A :btw,apew ni anak dara bgn lambat
HF :hahahahhahaaa...biase la

SF :kaw betol nak jmpe dye?bahaye lah,,kaw x kenal dye
HF :ntah wa weyh,,,takot la,,kawan A,baik kot
SF :baik pown lelaki weyh
HF : hahahhahahahah

thX 4 dat advise bro

i bring my black pepper spray 2 protect muhself,,ngehahhahahaha

location: texting in da uitm bus

SA : napa x tggu SA??
HF :ingat SA da naik bus
SA :owh,dok sebelah fiza an?
HF :fiza sapew tu??

for the 1st tyme i talkin with stranger in da bus..hahahha(poyo)

HF :u ni fiza??
fiza : yup,,y?
HF : nothing.heh=)

location: kuala pilah da bomb
SA: hye

then we walk togetha,,,we went all over kuala pilah town
hahahhaa 1st tyme bebeh exploring kuala pilah
cannot go hahahhahahaha

location: kFC

dis is pic of him SA...
he very shy..
he very gentle
wat da most best about him
he is so friendly and easy going guy..

having my breakfast,lunch and dinner
in da bus we r going to our paradise
UiTM kuala pilah

hell yeah

UiTM Kuala Pilah

02 November 09

thX..kowank memang cool..
best birthday ever..

on this day,memg sume x bole bla ngan aku kan,,lai keje dye menipu jew
aku sabar siyaL
ngan perangai masing2 cam x endah kan aku
ape y penting malam tue kitew adew rare party!

i love oL of u DAMN MUCH